October 29, 2010

The FiRst YeAr

Most of our life is a series of images.
 They pass us by like towns on the highway.
But sometimes, A Moment stuns us as it
happens and we know that this instant
is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment....
 every part of it.... Will live on Forever.

 Jordan and I just celebrated our
           First Anniversary!  
  It's crazy how fast the time goes. For our Anniversary we went up to Daniels Summit. We love that place,
 we went there on our  honeymoon and decided
to make it a tradition. It's so beautiful up there and it's
such a nice place to relax and enjoy yourself. To leave
all the stresses of life and work behind and
 just focus on the moment.  It's not very often I get
Jordan all to myself and when I do, I take advantage of it.
I love Jordan so much and I love my life with him.
He is supportive and always there for me.
I couldn't ask for a better person to spend
my life with. The first year was Amazing and I
can't wait to see what the next year will bring.